ICA Annual General
Meeting / Assemblйe gйnйrale AGM
Quйbec Novembre 2007 page
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Revision of the Constitution 2004
The Purpose of the 2007Revision of the Constitution
ICA has a long history of
constitutional reforms. At nearly every International Congress on Archives,
held every four years, one or more articles have been the subject of revision.
The purpose of the 2007 revision is to continue those started of 2000
and 2004, making ICA more effective in its management, more democratic in its
governance and accountable to its membership while respecting global
representation and fairness by balancing influence and responsibility:
• 2000:
o bringing
regional branch presidents on to the Executive Board,
o introduction
of audit
o introduction
of a programme commission
• 2004:
o introduction of elections for office bearers
clarification of the role of office bearers
bringing chairs of Sections on to the Executive Board for the first time
in the history of
integration of CITRA in to ICA
changing the programme cycle from four to two years to accelerate
product delivery
developing FIDA into a Trust for professional development
• 2007:
o changing the
governance cycle from four to two years for most key officers to
generate more involvement in ICA’s
overall management
o consolidating
involvement of national archivists in ICA’s
o introduction
of vice-presidents for key positions
o fine tuning
responsibilities of office bearers
o fine tuning
participation in governing bodies
o underlining
the executive role of the Management Commission
The revisions should become effective immediately, as they will give the
necessary legal basis for the elections that will be held in early 2008, in
order to have all governmental bodies in place and ready for their roles by the
close of the 2008 Annual General Meeting.
This document is divided into four parts. Part 1 consists of the changes as submitted in first reading to the Annual General Meeting 2006. AGM 2006 accepted the drafts unanimously, and agreed to have them submitted for second and final reading to its meeting of 2007. Part 2 presents changes resulting from the Curaзao Consensus 2006 and discussions in the AGM 2006. Part 3 presents a proposal by the Management Commission for improvement of ICA’s management. Part 4 presents two proposals by ALA concerning articles 53.1.b and 74.
It is proposed to discuss and vote first part 1 and thereafter part 2, to be followed by a vote of parts 1 and 2 as a whole.
It is proposed to discuss thereafter the introduction of part 3, to be followed by a discussion and vote of amendments on article 31.1 and 43.1, and if accepted to be followed by of vote of parts 1, 2 and 3 as a whole.
It is proposed to discuss finally part 4, to be followed by a discussion and vote of amendments on article 53.1.b and 74, and if accepted to be followed by of vote of parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 as a whole.
The Management Commission wishes to make a proper division of roles between the Treasurer and the Secretariat, and therefore proposes:
1. to modify the title of the Treasurer to Vice-President Finance
Comment: rewording (affects title of chapter X and article 37; subsequent technical rewording needed of Table of Contents, and of the articles 23, 25, 28, 30, 42, 46, 50, 62, 75).
2. to move the revised article 37 to chapter
VIII as article 27B and to rename article 27 as 27A
Comment: rewording
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3. To remove articles 87-90 for being outdated
The President proposes
4. to consolidate the position of
Vice-president Marketing and Promotion as established by the
AGM 2005
Comment: affects articles 25, 27 and 30
5. to update the article on honours
Comment: change article 12-1b accordingly
The Chair of the Programme Commission proposes
to remove the limitation of a fixed number from the
article on the Programme Commission Comment: change article 46 accordingly
to have the ICA Secretariat provide the secretariat of
the Programme Commission Comment: change article 46 accordingly
The Secretariat has noted some flaws in the 2004 Constitution that need alteration, namely:
Revision of Membership and rights of international
associations, and grouping of those associations in Category B and consequent
splitting of article 4b into 4b-1 and 4b-2 Comment: Some of those international
associations are currently included in Category 4b, others in 4c (affects
articles 4 and 16).
Introduction of Membership of institutions interested
in ICA’s mission
Comment: requested by a number of national and university libraries (affects article 4)
10. Clearer distinction between fellow and honorary member
Comment: suggested by an Ad-Hoc group from the EB on Awards (affects article 12)
11. Harmonisation of wording
Comment: suggested by the Chair of SAE (affects articles 4 and 12)
Inclusion of all elected members of CITRA bureau in
the Annual General Meeting Comment: Elected members on the CITRA Bureau may be
part of the AGM in their own right (affects article 15)
Allowing substitutes for branch presidents in the AGM.
Comment: suggested by branch presidents (affects article 15)
Allowing substitutes for section chairs and
secretaries in the AGM (affects article15) Comment: suggested by section chairs
(affects article 15)
Barring ICA salaried staff from voting, irrespective
of the positions they hold Comment: suggested by the Secretary General (affects
article 19)
Rewording of first half of the title of chapter XXIX
The Accountant proposes
17. to clarify the responsibilities of the
Vice-President Finance and the Secretary General for
financial management
Comment: Abolish right of Vice-President Finance to sign contracts (affects article 37.d, respectively article 27B.d)
18. to replace the word ‘association’ if indicating ICA by its name in full
Comment: rewording (affects the title of chapters XXVIII and XXIX)
These modifications have been discussed by the Executive Board and have been accepted unanimously by the AGM in its meeting in 2006. The AGM agreed to allow application of items 8 (without right of vote yet), 9, 10, 12, 13 and 14 as from 1 January 2007.1
As follow-up of the Curacao Consensus 2006 it is proposed to
to make the governance cycle more effective by
shortening it for some offices to two years and by introducing a staggered
system for other offices remaining in a four years cycle Comment: affects
articles 25 and 32
introduce the function of president-elect
Comment: requires changes to respectively new of articles/paragraphs 25-1, 26, 30a and 42-1
3. to change the title of Senior-Vice
President into Vice-President Congress
Comment: affects articles 27A and 42
1 NB. ICA staff has agreed to refrain from participation in voting in the AGM (item 11).
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4. to have the vice-president in charge of
CITRA elected by the members as Vice-President CITRA
instead of appointed by the President
Comment: affects articles 25, 26, 27, 30, 45, 46 and 50
5. to appoint the Vice-President CITRA as
substitute for the President in case of unavailability
instead of the Vice-President Congress (previously Senior Vice-President)
Comment: affects articles 25, 27 and 29.
6. to have the chair of the Programme
Commission elected by the members as Vice-President
Programme instead of appointed by the Executive Board
Comments: affects article 25, 26, 27, 30 and 46
7. to conduct elections every two years for
the posts of President, Vice-President Marketing and
Promotion, Vice-President Programme
Comments: affects article 25
8. to conduct elections every four years for
the posts of Vice-President CITRA, Vice-President
Finance and Internal Auditor
Comments: affects article 25
9. to conduct the elections every two years
for half of the members of the CITRA Bureau and half
of the members of the Audit Commission
Comment: affects articles 25, transitional article 91
to formalise the position of the chair of SPA as
Vice-President Associations Comment: new article 27C
to have the regional branch presidents elect one of
their number to serve as Vice-President Regional Branches
Comments: affects article 27 and new article 30C-1
to have the section chairs elect one of their number
to serve as Vice-President Sections Comments: affects article 27 and new
article 30C-2
to clarify the composition of the Management
Commission and of the Executive Board Comments: affects article 30 and 42
to allow the senior office bearers on a two years term
to propose themselves for re-election twice.
Comment: affects articles 25
15. to allow the senior office bearers on a four
years term to propose themselves for re-election
Comment: affects articles 25
16. to make a distinction between presidential
committees and professional committees
Comment: affects articles 65-67 and new article 65 and 66
At its meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, on 27-28 June, the Management Commission (MCOM) reviewed progress on implementing the main points of the Curaзao Consensus 2006, which is intended to create greater transparency in ICA and to improve the organisation’s performance. MCOM came to the conclusion that the AGM 2007 should consider two possible governance models for ICA. Model 1: the current system of an Executive Board (EB), which governs ICA, and a Management Commission, which implements EB decisions and exercises powers delegated to it by the EB. Model 2: A new MCOM with increased democratic legitimacy would govern ICA, while the EB would act as a Supervisory Board, calling MCOM to account for its decisions on behalf of ICA’s membership as a whole.
In accordance with the constitutional reforms essentially agreed by the AGM 2006, the new MCOM would comprise the presidents and vice-presidents, together with the secretary-general and deputy secretaries-general also attending as non-voting members. The president and vice-presidents would receive support from the ICA Secretariat in exercising their responsibilities. The EB would comprise all members of the new MCOM, the presidents of the regional branches and the chairs of sections. The new MCOM would continue to meet four times a year, and in addition there would be frequent informal contacts between the vice-presidents and staff in the secretariat, who would receive specific assignments to assist them in executing their responsibilities. The new MCOM would be in an excellent position to take quicker and better decisions, and to provide a necessary counterweight to the daily operations of the secretariat. The EB would continue to meet twice a year.
At St. Petersburg the existing MCOM decided in favour of a new system that would enable presidents and the vice-presidents to take full responsibility for their portfolios and thereby to have a higher profile.
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In the new MCOM the president and vice-presidents would proceed as far as possible by consensus, with decisions by majority vote being taken only as a last resort. MCOM agreed that Model 1 could be adapted to provide more democratic decision-making. However, it took the view that the composition of the new MCOM would give it increased democratic legitimacy. The president and four vice-presidents will be directly elected by the membership as a whole, while three vice-presidents will be elected by three groups (SPA, branches, and sections). This would ensure adequate representation of all major ICA constituencies in the MCOM.
In the light of the distinctions made in the Curaзao Consensus between strategic direction, business planning and operational delivery, MCOM considered that this would be best implemented by assigning responsibilities as follows:-• delivery would be the responsibility the Programme Commission (PCOM), in consultation with the branches and sections and supported by the Secretariat
Business plans would be developed and monitored by
ICA’s Strategic
Direction would be set by the EB
MCOM therefore had a clear preference for Model 2. If and when these views are approved by the AGM in Quйbec in November 2007, two more articles require amendment, namely article 31.1 and 43.1.
New amendments
Article 31
1 The Executive Board is responsible for carrying out the policies and programme, adopted by the Annual General Meeting.
Article 31
1 The Executive Board supervises the work of the Management Commission.
Article 43 Article 43 |
1 The Management Commission shall be
responsible for any matters delegated to it by the Executive Board and for management decisions between meetings of the Executive Board.
1 The Management Commission is responsible for carrying out the policies and programme, adopted by the Annual General Meeting and reports to the Executive Board.
If accepted to be inserted in the text hereafter.
(Original on official letterhead)
Mйxico, D.F. August 3, 2007
From : Jorge Ruiz Dueсas, President of the Latin American
Association of Archives (ALA)
In accordance with the powers provided by article 30 of the Latin American Association of Archives (ALA) by‐laws as president of this body and fulfillment of article 84 of the International Council of Archives (ICA) Constitution related to its revision and amendments, prior to the Annual Meeting of ICA to be held in Quebec on next November and in accordance to the prescribed terms, we submit the following:
During the General Ordinary Assembly of the Latin American Association of Archives conducted in San Josй Costa Rica on past July 2nd, the agenda subjects related with the ties of our Association and ICA gave us the opportunity to hear Mr. Jaime Antunes da Silva displayed a summary of his efforts as president of ALA in the 2006 meeting of Curaзao at the Executive Board of ICA. Those proposals were the agreements of our previous General Assembly of October 26, 2005 described in the Chart of Lisbon, and the extended meetings of our Board in Antigua, Guatemala on March 3rd, 2006, and recently in Montevideo Uruguay.
After listening the report and discussions in the plenary session conducted in the Archivo Nacional de Costa Rica, and since that our proposals were not included in the Annual General Meeting of Curaзao as we presumed, the arguments and proposals to ICA were sustained in San Josй. In such sense it was agree to submit those in accordance with requirements of ICA Constitution to the General Meeting of Quebec, 2007. The proposals down detailed, are related with article 53.1.b and article 74.
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Consequently it is important to stand out to the members of the Annual General Meeting, the following:
The Latin American Association of
Archives at present composed by Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries of
Latin America as well as Spain and Portugal, was founded in Lima on April 6,
1973 for the study and establishment of relations
between public and private archival institutions and professional organisms in
countries of Iberian archives tradition.
The outstanding mission of the
Association was the mutual collaboration between its members in behalf of the archives
development and the preservation and use of the documental memory of our
Later on provided the coincidence
of aims and objectives of ICA in a wider scope, ALA asked to be considered as a
regional branch of ICA adapting its by‐laws to the regulations of the
Council. These by‐laws
have been reformed successively to stay in accordance with the Constitution of the Council.
The historical interest of ALA is
to pursue the cohesion of its members finding solutions to allow our
participation within the Council, without neglecting our fundamental mission
and looking forward to fulfill also the objectives of ICA.
ALA states its interest in the
conciliation of its positions and those of the Council in order to favor the
most ample unit. Consequently our aim is to favor decisions taken previous
studies and discussions in the pertinent bodies, with margins of time and by means of
direct dialogue to ease the formulation of options.
The intention of ALA in raising
its positions, arguments and possible courses of action, is to provide ample
elements of judgment and knowledge on our complex conditions in
behalf of transparency and understanding.
I ) In consequence, on the first
subject related to article 53.1.b of the Constitution of ICA, the Association
submit to the
Annual General Meeting in Quebec its
initial request of November 2006 in Curaзao,
unfortunately not included in the
The Latin American Association of
Archives considers essential to enforce its growth and strengthening, as a supranational
organization that represents common interests and a shared archival tradition.
The inadequate increase of ICA
annual membership fees makes it unfeasible for some countries in the region to
join or
to keep their membership in the Council.
The National or General Archives
members of ALA have a great deal of problems to justify the payments of ICAґs fees owing
not only to the high quota contrasting their budgets, but also because of the
uneven technical return benefits from ICA.
According to article 53.1.b of
Constitution, any institution or association for membership under article 4.a
and 4.b must become a member of ICA before joining a
regional branch, thus preventing many Latin American countries by
technical and economic reasons to join ICA and consequently, forcing them to
withdraw their membership in ALA against their will.
In accordance with article 82 of the Constitution of ICA, ALA request the inclusion in the Annual General Meeting of Quebec for discussion and eventually voting of the amendment of Constitutionґs article 53.1.b aiming at the suppression of the requirement in paragraph b.
To previously exposed, we must advise that our members classified in article 4.a. of ICA`s Constitution represents a diversity of individual conditions that can be summarize as follows:
i. Central archives directorates or national archival institutions able and willing to perform the payment of the quotas. ii. Central archives directorates or national archival institutions willing to make the payment of an adjusted quota and
arrears in accordance to its budgetary condition, in some cases offering in return services to ICA. iii. Central archives directorates or national archival institutions without budgetary possibilities to make any payment of
quota and arrears. iv. Central archives directorates or national archival institutions in any of the two previous conditions and legally
prevented of significant quotas for private international law organizations, in accordance with national public policies.
In case of not been approved our proposal in the 2007 Annual General Meeting of Quebec, it should be necessary to establish a feasible term so that ALA renew it by‐laws during the 2008 General Assembly. This to guarantee the integrity of the Association as well as the individual decision of the members. It would be the case for ALA to submit an application in terms of article 7 for another category of those described in article 4 of the Constitution, with absolute freedom for its present members to simultaneously keep the status described in article 4.a.
II )
On the second subject related to article 74 of the Constitution of ICA, the
Association submit to the Annual General
Meeting of ICA in Quebec its initial
request of November of 2006 in Curaзao,
unfortunately not included in the AGM
1. The Latin American Association of Archives (ALA) is an active regional branch of the International Council on Archives stimulated by means of meetings, working groups, seminars, co‐operation and the exchange of information for the strengthening of ALA and consequently of ICA.
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The official language as well as the working language of ALA is Spanish, spoken in 22 countries and understood by technicians of the Portuguese speaking countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe.
The decisions made by ICA with
effect upon the new Constitution approved in Vienna standing out the adoption
of English and French as the only official working
languages, a not shared criteria by ALA members because it prevents active
and responsible participation of the Spanish speaking community in congresses,
meetings, conferences and assemblies sponsored by ICA.
The article 74 of the new
Constitution disables Ibero‐American countries to receive administrative
and scientific information in Spanish from ICA, information that is of extreme
interest for the professional updating of the Ibero‐ American archival
In accordance with article 82 of the Constitution of ICA, ALA request the inclusion in the Annual General Meeting of Quebec for discussion and eventually voting of the amendment of article 74 of ICA Constitution, aiming at the inclusion of Spanish as well as other languages in that article thus encouraging the use of multiple languages particularly in the Annual General Meeting, with costs covered by CIA itself with resources from the annual membership fees, something that would make possible the egalitarian and democratic participation of its members.
Article 53 Article 53 |
1 Members of ICA wishing to further the aims of ICA and to strengthen co-operation within a particular geographical area, may group themselves into regional branches. Regional branches must meet the following conditions: |
No changes |
a at least half of the members under article 4.a and 4.b with their headquarters located within the region must belong to the regional branch; |
No changes |
b any institution or association qualifying for membership under article 4.a and 4.b must become a member of the ICA before joining a regional branch, which membership shall be administered by the Secretariat; |
To be suppressed |
c regional branches shall be free to grant regional branch membership to members mentioned in article 4.c and 4.d or to other institutions, associations and individuals; |
No changes |
d members of the ICA shall be free to join a regional branch in addition to the branch for their own geographical area, subject to the agreement of the bureau of the additional regional branch they wish to join; |
No changes |
e regional branches elect their president, and substitute (who will serve on the Executive Board in case of absence), secretary general and other officers, who together make up the bureau that is responsible for managing the Branch’s business and programme; |
No changes |
f members of a regional branch shall meet at least every two years. |
No changes |
2 Before requesting establishment as a regional branch by the Annual General Meeting, members shall be entitled to group themselves in a provisional regional branch for no more than eight years. Provisional regional branches must observe the relevant articles of this constitution. |
No changes |
Article 74 Article 74 |
1 The working languages of ICA shall be English and French. The working languages of the Annual General Meeting, Congress, CITRA, Executive Board, commissions, sections and committees shall be English and French. The official communications and correspondence of these bodies shall be in English and/or French. |
1 The working languages of ICA shall be English, French and Spanish. The working languages of the Annual General Meeting, Congress, CITRA, Executive Board, commissions, sections and committees shall be English, French, and Spanish. The official communications and correspondence of these bodies shall be in English, French and/or Spanish. |
2 In order to encourage multilingualism, the Annual General Meeting may adopt further working languages provided that all additional costs are met by the members interested. |
No changes |
3 Regional branches are free to work in other languages, but shall communicate with the ICA Secretary General in either English or French. |
3 Regional branches are free to work in other languages, but shall communicate with the ICA Secretary General in English, French or Spanish. |
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If accepted to be inserted in the text hereafter.
ICA Annual General Meeting / Assemblйe gйnйrale
Quйbec Novembre 2007
Archives constitute the memory of nations and of societies, shape their identity, and are a cornerstone of the information society. By providing evidence of human actions and transactions, archives support administration and underlie the rights of individuals, organisations and states. By guaranteeing citizens’ rights of access to official information and to knowledge of their history, archives are fundamental to democracy, accountability and good governance.
The mission of ICA is to promote the preservation and use of archives around the world. In pursuing this mission, ICA works for the protection and enhancement of the memory of the world and to improve communication while respecting cultural diversity.
Article 1
The International Council on Archives, (ICA), is an
international non-governmental and non-profit making organisation.
ICA has its registered office in Paris, France.
ICA is entitled to adopt a logo.
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Proposed amendments / rewording
In BLACK amendments / rewording discussed and unanimously accepted by AGM 2006 In RED amendments / rewording not discussed yet.
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Article 2
The aim of ICA is to promote the management and use of records and archives and the preservation of the archival heritage of humanity around the world, through the sharing of experiences, research and ideas on professional archival and records management matters and on the management and organisation of archival institutions.
Article 3
The objectives of ICA are to:
a encourage and support the development of archives in all countries, in cooperation with other organisations, including international agencies, governmental
and non-governmental;, b promote, organise and co-ordinate best practice, the development of standards
and other activities in the field of records and archives management; c establish, maintain and strengthen relations between archivists of all countries and
between all institutions, professional bodies and other organisations, public and
private, wherever located, which are concerned with the administration or
preservation of records and archives, or with the professional training of archivists,
especially through the exchange of information; d facilitate the interpretation and use of archives by making their content more widely
known and by encouraging greater access to them; and e undertake any relevant activities which support its aim.
Article 4 Article 4
ICA is composed of No change
a central archives directorates or national archival institutions, and equivalent bodies No change
of member states of federal or similar countries.
b associations composed of persons or
corporate bodies, interested professionally in b1
national associations composed of persons or corporate bodies,
the administration or preservation of records and archives or in archival
training and professionally
in the administration or preservation of records and archives or in
education; archival training and education;
international associations composed of persons or corporate bodies,
professionally in the administration or preservation of records and archives or
archival training and education;2
c Institutions concerned with
the administration or preservation of records and c
Institutions concerned with or interested in the administration or
preservation of
archives, or with archival training and education; records and archives, or with archival training and education;
d Individuals working in the field of the administration or preservation of records and No change
archives, or of the archival training and education, in the past or present.
2 Currently qualifying: ACARM, AIAF, ARMA, GSU
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Article 5
1 Delegates from institutions and
associations mentioned in article 4.a and 4.b are
entitled to :
a attend and vote at ICA’s Annual General Meeting,
b vote or stand in elections of ICA officers,
c receive the journals and publications of ICA,
d join regional branches and sections,
e nominate members for committees,
f take part in the International Conference of the Round Table on Archives (CITRA)
and g take part in International Congresses on Archives.
The right of these members to vote is suspended
automatically if membership fees are in arrears at the opening of an Annual
General Meeting.
Membership ceases automatically if membership fees are
more than one year in arrears at the opening of an Annual General Meeting.
Membership will be restored automatically as soon as the arrears have been
Article 6
1 Delegates from institutions mentioned in
article 4.c and individuals mentioned in
article 4.d are entitled to participate, but not to vote, in the Annual General
Meeting. They are also entitled to submit proposals or written communications
to the
Annual General Meeting through the representatives of their branch or section
through the Secretary General. In addition, they are entitled to:
a receive the journals and publications of ICA,
b join regional branches and sections,
c nominate for committees,
d participate in International Congresses on Archives
2 Membership ceases automatically if
membership fees are more than one year in
arrears at the opening of an Annual General Meeting. Membership will be
automatically as soon as the arrears have been paid.
Article 7
Membership of institutions and associations mentioned
in article 4.a and 4.b shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Board,
which shall submit to the Annual General Meeting applications which it has been
unable to approve unanimously.
Membership of institutions and individuals mentioned
in article 4.c and 4.d shall be subject to the approval of the Management
Commission which shall submit to the Executive Board applications which it has
been unable to approve unanimously.
Applicants are not entitled to any membership benefits
until their application has been accepted and their membership fees have been
Article 8
The Annual General Meeting shall establish a scale for the membership fees and decide on its application to members.
Article 9
The membership year is the calendar year.
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Article 10
Notice of arrears shall be sent at least three months before the date when membership of ICA would lapse.
Article 11
All members of ICA may join one or more of the regional branches and sections of ICA on payment of the appropriate fees for each additional branch or section joined, if applicable.
Article 12
1 The Annual General Meeting may
a confer the status of fellow on any individual working in the field of the administration or preservation of records and archives, or of archival training and education, in the past or present, who has given eminent service to ICA.
b confer the status of honorary member every four years, at the time of the
International Congress on Archives, on no more than four individuals working in the field of the administration or preservation of records and archives, or of the training and education for archives, in the past or present, who have given eminent service to the profession.
2 The Executive Board may confer an award on
persons who have given outstanding
service to the international archival community. The Executive Board may not
confer this distinction upon more than two individuals annually.
Article 13
1 Honorary members are entitled to:
a speak at the Annual General Meeting;
b submit proposals or written communications to the Annual General Meeting through the Secretary General;
c receive the journals and internal publications of the ICA; and d participate in International Congresses on Archives.
2 Honorary members are exempt from the payment of membership fees.
Article 12
No change
a confer the status of fellow on any individual who has given eminent service to ICA.
b confer the status of honorary member on an individual working in the field of administration or preservation of records and archives or in archival training and education, in the past or present, who have given eminent service to the profession. The Annual General Meeting may not confer this distinction on more than one individual annually.
No change
ICA Annual General Meeting / Assemblйe gйnйrale
Article 14
The Annual General Meeting shall meet in ordinary
session once a year.
It may meet in extraordinary session if summoned by
the President, by the Executive Board or on the demand of at least two-thirds
of the members mentioned in article 4.a and 4.b.
Article 15
The Annual General Meeting consists of :
a Delegates of the institutions and associations mentioned in article 4.a and 4.b.
b Delegates of the institutions mentioned in article 4.c and persons mentioned in
article 4.d. c Elected officers: i Members of the Executive Board ii Members of the Audit Commission
iii The president and a member of the bureau of each regional branch
iii Chairs and secretaries of sections
iv The Election Officer
d The Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General(s)
e Professional officers:
i i
Members of the Programme Commission,
ii The chairs and secretaries of
f Honorary members
g Observers invited by the Executive Board.
Article 16
1 The
delegation from each country to the Annual General Meeting shall comprise:
a a maximum of three persons for all
members in article 4.a (‘national archives’);
b a maximum of two persons for all members in article 4.b (‘professional associations’);
2 The delegations of steering bodies of
regional branches and sections and of
committees to the Annual General Meeting shall comprise a maximum of two
Article 17
A draft agenda, established by the Management Commission and taking into consideration proposals submitted by members, regional branches, sections and other bodies of ICA, shall be circulated by the Secretary General to all members of the ICA at least two months before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
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Article 15
No change No change No change
No change
No change
No change
iii Members of the CITRA bureau
iv The president or substitute and a member of the bureau of each regional branch
v Chairs or substitutes and secretaries or substitutes of sections
vi The Election Officer
No change
No change
No change
No change
No change
No change
Article 16
No change
No change
b.1 No further change
b.2 The delegation of a member in article 4.b-2 to the Annual General Meeting shall
comprise a maximum of two persons. 2 > 3 No further change
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Article 18
Draft resolutions and recommendations arising from any International Congress on Archives (see article 47) or Conference of the Round Table on Archives (see article 49) will be considered by the Annual General Meeting held in association with it. Such resolutions and recommendations shall be drawn up by the CITRA Bureau. Resolutions and recommendations on professional matters adopted by the Annual General Meeting shall have authority only insofar as they are an expression of professional opinion within the countries represented in ICA, but they are not otherwise binding on members.
Article 19
Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting are allocated as follows:
a each delegation from institutions and associations mentioned in Article 4.a and 4.b
shall have two votes; b elected officers mentioned in Article 15.c shall have one vote; c professional officers mentioned in Article 15.e shall have one vote each; d no individual shall exercise more than one right of vote.
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Article 19
No change No change
No change No change No change
e ICA salaried staff including staff seconded or attached to the ICA office shall not have voting rights.
Article 20
Speaking rights at the Annual General Meeting are allocated to:
a each delegation from institutions mentioned in article 4.c and persons mentioned in
article 4.d; b the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General(s); c honorary members.
Article 21
In any country where there is more than one member
under article 4.a or 4.b of this Constitution, it is the responsibility of the
members concerned to establish procedures for the composition of the delegation
to the Annual General Meeting and for the exercise of their votes. If there is
no agreement, the appointment will be made by drawing lots.
Only members who are registered as delegates at the
Annual General Meeting are entitled to vote.
Decisions of the Annual General Meeting shall be by a
simple majority of votes of those present, except for changes to this
Constitution which require a majority of at least two thirds of the votes of
those present.
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Article 22
1 The quorum of the Annual General Meeting
shall be twenty five percent of the
number of members entitled to vote, coming from at least three of the four
geographical groupings, as follows:
a Africa and the Arab countries,
b Asia and Oceania,
c Europe and North America,
d Latin American and the Caribbean.
2 If there is no quorum, the Annual General
Meeting may sit as a consultative session.
The powers of the Annual General Meeting will be vested in the Executive Board.
These decisions of the Executive Board remain in force until a next meeting of
Annual General Meeting.
Article 23
The Annual General Meeting shall:
a decide on the strategic orientation of ICA and consider business relating to the
management and activities of the organisation; b approve the report of the President on the activities of ICA and decide on any
response to matters raised; c approve the appointment of the Secretary General by the Executive Board d receive the report of the Treasurer, and approve the accounts certified by the
external auditor and to discharge the Treasurer; e approve the budget and decide on the membership fees in conformity with article
9; and f approve changes to the Constitution.
Article 24
The Annual General Meeting decides on the
establishment of regional branches, responsible for carrying out the policy and
programmes of ICA in their region.
The Annual General Meeting may establish sections at
the request of members of ICA sharing common professional interests or
concerned with professional activities of a similar nature.
The Annual General Meeting may establish standing
commissions responsible to the Executive Board and the Annual General Meeting
for the functioning of ICA. These commissions have power to act within their
terms of reference.
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Article 23
No change No change
No change
No change
d receive the report of the Vice-President Finance and approve the accounts
certified by the external auditor and to discharge the Vice-President Finance; No change
No change
ICA Annual General Meeting / Assemblйe gйnйrale
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Article 25
1 Elections shall be conducted by correspondence every four years, in the year of the
International Congress on Archives, for the following posts: a the President,
b one member of the Executive Board belonging to a member institution in article 4.a,
c the Treasurer,
d five members of the CITRA Bureau, representing the four geographical groupings
defined in Article 22.1, and e the Internal Auditor, who chairs the Audit Commission, its vice-chair and its three
Elections shall be organised by the Secretariat and
supervised by an Election Officer elected by and from the Executive Board in
the year of the International Congress on Archives.
Members with the right to vote at the Annual General
Meeting are entitled to vote in the elections.
The Secretariat shall call for nominations from all
members at least six months before the opening of the Annual General Meeting.
Ballot papers will be sent to all those eligible to
vote at least two months before the opening of the Annual General Meeting.
Subject to this article, the Executive Board may make
rules of procedure governing the conduct of elections by postal, fax and/or
electronic ballot.
Those who receive the highest number of votes are
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Article 25
1 Elections shall be conducted by
correspondence every two years for the following
a the President, who will serve until the closure of the first Annual General Meeting
held after the election of his/her successor as President-elect b the Vice-President Marketing and Promotion c the Vice-President Programme
2 Elections shall be conducted by
correspondence every four years for the following
a the Vice-President CITRA who should be a director or senior member of staff in a
member institution under article 4.a b the Vice-President Finance c the Internal Auditor
3 Elections shall be conducted by correspondence every two years for
a three of the six members of the CITRA Bureau, representing the four geographical
groupings defined in Article 22.1, and b two of the four members of the Audit Commission
Elections shall be organised by the Secretariat and
supervised by an Election Officer elected by and from the Executive Board. To
be removed: in the year of the International Congress on Archives.
No further change
No further change
No further change
No further change
No further change
10 Office bearers
elected for a term of two years can candidate for re-election twice.
11 Office bearers
elected for a term of four years can candidate for re-election once.
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Quйbec Novembre 2007
Article 26
1 The President of ICA will exercise the functions provided for in this Constitution and will undertake his or her duties in accordance with the views expressed by the Annual General Meeting and the Executive Board.
2 The President shall preside over the
Annual General Meeting and over meetings of
a Executive Board,
b Management Commission,
c International Conference of the Round Table on Archives (CITRA),
d CITRA Bureau,
3 The President may delegate the preparation
of the CITRA professional programme
to an ICA vice-president.
Article 27
1 The Host of the next International Congress on Archives is designated ex officio as senior Vice-President.
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Article 26
No change
The President shall take office at the closure of the
Annual General Meeting following his or her election
If the President-elect is unable to complete his /her
term of president-elect, the replacement will be elected by the next Annual
General Meeting
The President shall preside over meetings of the:
a Annual General Meeting b No further change c No further change d No further change Removed Removed
Article 27A
1 The Host of the next International Congress on Archives is designated ex officio as Vice-President Congress.
Article 27B
The Vice-President CITRA shall preside over the CITRA
bureau and substitute for the President as mentioned in article 29.
The Vice-President Finance shall have responsibility
for the management of all funds belonging to the ICA and shall:
a prepare budgetary proposals for submission to the Management Commission, the
Executive Board and the Annual General Meeting; b supervise the financial administration; c report on the management of the accounts to the Management Commission, the
Executive Board and the Annual General Meeting; d submit the accounts of the ICA for annual audit by an external auditor designated
by the Executive Board.
The Vice-President Marketing and Promotion shall
undertake ICA promotional and marketing activities.
The Vice-President Programme shall preside over the
Programme Commission..
The Vice-Presidents shall take office at the closure
of the first Annual General Meeting held after their election
Article 27C
The chair of the Section of Records Management and Archival Professional Associations (SPA) shall serve as Vice-President Associations.
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2 In addition to the senior Vice-President, two further Vice-Presidents are elected by the Executive Board from its members.
Article 28
The President, or if the President is not available, one of the Vice-Presidents, is the legal representative of the ICA. The President or his or her substitute may authorise the Secretary General or the Treasurer to represent the President.
Article 29
If the President is absent or is unable to carry out
his or her duties, and during temporary vacancies in the Presidency, the office
shall be assumed by the Senior Vice-President pending election of a new
If the Senior Vice-President is unable to carry out
duties as in article 29.1, the Vice-President senior in age shall act as
President until the next meeting of the Executive Board.
Article 30
The Executive Board shall consist of:
a the President of ICA,
b three vice-presidents, one serving as senior vice-president,
c one member belonging to an institution in article 4.a, elected under article 25,
d the presidents of the regional branches,
e the chair of the Programme Commission,
f the chair of the Section of Records Management and Archival Professional
Associations, g the chairs of the sections having members in at least three of the four regions
mentioned in article 22.1, h the Treasurer,
i the Secretary General who does not have voting rights, and j the Deputy Secretary General(s) who do not have voting rights.
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Article 27D
At the first meeting of a new Executive Board
a The Regional Branch presidents shall elect one of their number to serve as Vice-President Regional Branches and one more of their number to sit on the Management Commission and their substitutes, and
b The Section chairs having members in at least three of the four regions mentioned in article 22.1 shall elect one of their number to serve as Vice-President Sections and his or her substitute.
Article 28
The President or his substitute, or, if neither is available, one of the other Vice-Presidents is the legal representative of the ICA. The President or his or her substitute may authorise the Secretary General to represent the President.
Article 29
the Vice-President CITRA will carry out the duties of
the President whenever the Presidency is temporarily vacant.
If the Vice-President CITRA is unable to carry out
duties as in article 29.1, the Vice-President senior in age shall act as
President until the next meeting of the Executive Board.
Article 30
No change
a the Management Commission (see article 42)
moved to article 42
moved to article 42
d>b No further change
moved to article 42
moved to article 42
g>c No further change
moved to article 42 moved to article 42 moved to article 42
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Article 31
The Executive Board is responsible for carrying out
the policies and programme, adopted by the Annual General Meeting.
The Executive Board may, in the interval between
Annual General Meetings, take any measure necessary for the functioning of ICA
that is in accordance with this Constitution
3 The
Executive Board shall appoint:
a the Secretary General;
b the Deputy Secretary General(s);
c the chair of the Programme Commission;
d the Election Officer;
e the External Auditor;
f the Trustees of the Fund for International Archival Development (FIDA).
The Executive Board has the power to approve the
employment by ICA of paid and volunteer staff, who will report to the Secretary
The Executive Board may establish committees and give
them terms of reference.
Article 32
Members of the Executive Board shall be elected for a term of four years. If an Executive Board member is replaced by the body he or she represents, his or her replacement will complete this term. A member may serve no more than two consecutive full terms in the same position. The Treasurer may serve no more than three consecutive full terms.
Article 33
The Executive Board shall meet at least once a year
and whenever convened by the President or upon the request of one-third of its
In the case of a tied vote in the Executive Board, the
President shall have a casting vote.
The quorum of the Executive Board shall be half of its
Voting members of the Executive Board shall receive no
remuneration for this office.
Article 34
If no regional branch exists in a geographical area, it shall be open to the Executive Board to choose a member from that area to serve on the Executive Board.
Article 35
The substitutes for presidents of the regional
branches will be elected by and from the bureaus of those branches.
Substitute members of the Executive Board take office,
if called upon to do so by the President, when a vacancy occurs.
If the host of the next International Congress on
Archives is unable to carry out his or her duties, the host country may
nominate a replacement.
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Article 31
No change
No change
No change
No change
No change
d > c no further change
moved to 6
f > d no further change
Moved to article 43.5
The Executive Board may establish presidential
committees and give them terms of reference.
The Executive Board shall contract the External
Article 32
First line removed. If an Executive Board member is replaced by the Regional Branch or Section he or she represents, his or her replacement will complete this term. A member may serve no more than two consecutive full terms in the same position. Last line removed
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Article 36
The holders of elected posts on the Executive Board must be working in the field of the administration or preservation of records and archives, or of archival training and education.
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Article 37
The Treasurer shall have responsibility for the management of all funds belonging to the
ICA and shall:
a prepare budgetary proposals for submission to the Management Commission, the
Executive Board and the Annual General Meeting; b collect the membership fees and keep accounts of all receipts and expenditure,
and of balances in those funds; c report on his or her management of the accounts to the Management Commission,
the Executive Board and the Annual General Meeting; d be authorised to sign contracts and agreements approved in principle by the
Executive Board; and e submit the accounts of the ICA for annual audit by an external accountant
designated by the Executive Board.
Replaced by article 27B-2 See above
See above
See above
See above
See above
See above
Article 38
The Secretary General is employed by ICA as its
Executive Director. He or she is responsible for the administration of the
business of ICA and the management of the ICA Secretariat and staff
The Secretary General is accountable to the Executive
Board in accordance with the terms of his or her contract with ICA. The
appointment of the Secretary General shall be approved by the Executive Board
by a majority of two thirds of the votes of those members present and requires
the consent of the Annual General Meeting by a simple majority.
The Secretary General shall plan and co-ordinate the
programme activities of ICA and its subordinate bodies, circulate information
relating to the business of ICA and prepare for the Annual General Meeting and
meetings of the Executive Board and the Management Commission. The Secretary
General shall maintain relations between ICA and other organisations, and shall
be authorised to sign contracts and agreements approved in principle by the
Executive Board.
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Article 39
The Deputy Secretary General (Deputy Secretaries
General) is (are) appointed on contract on the recommendation of the Secretary
General. The contract is approved by the Executive Committee by a two thirds
majority of those present. Each Deputy Secretary General is responsible to the
Executive Committee.
The Deputy Secretary General(s) shall be responsible
for the planning and execution of the ICA programme as directed by the
Secretary General.
Article 40
If the Secretary General is absent or is unable to carry out his or her duties, or if the office is temporarily vacant, these duties shall be assumed by a Deputy Secretary General.
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Article 39
The Deputy Secretary General (Deputy Secretaries
General) is (are) appointed on contract on the recommendation of the Secretary
General. The contract is approved by the Executive Board by a two thirds
majority of those present. Each Deputy Secretary General is responsible to the
Executive Board.
no change
Article 41
The Executive Board shall appoint an External Auditor on the basis of proposals from at least two companies.
Article 41
The Executive Board shall contract an External Auditor on the basis of proposals from at least two companies.
Article 42
1 The Management Commission is composed of the president, the three vice-presidents, two presidents of regional branches, one chair of a section. The Secretary General, the Deputy Secretary General(s) and the Treasurer are members ex officio.
2 At the first meeting of a new Executive Board
a the regional branch presidents shall elect two of their number to sit on the
Management Commission and their substitutes, and b the section chairs shall elect one of their number to sit on the Management
Commission and his or her substitute.
Article 42
1 The Management Commission is composed of
a the President
b the President Elect
c the Vice-President CITRA
d the Vice-President Congress
e the Vice-President Finance
f the Vice-President Marketing and Promotion
g the Vice-President Programme
h the Vice-President Associations
i the Vice-President Regional Branches mentioned in article 27D.1
j the Vice-President Sections mentioned in article 27D.2
k a President of a Regional Branch
1 the Secretary General who does not have voting rights, and
m the Deputy Secretary General(s) who do not have voting rights.
2 At the first meeting of a new Executive
Board the regional branch presidents shall
elect, in addition to the Vice-President Branches, one more of their number to
sit on
the Management Commission and his or her substitute.
Moved to article 27D and 42.2
Moved to article 27D
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Article 43
The Management Commission shall be responsible for any
matters delegated to it by the Executive Board and for management decisions
between meetings of the Executive Board.
The Management Commission shall prepare the meetings
of the Executive Board,
3 The
Management Commission shall appoint
a the members of the Programme
b the chairs of committees;
c the members of project groups; d the editors of ICA publications.
Article 44
Minutes of all Management Commission meetings shall be sent to the members of the Executive Board.
Article 45
1 The Audit Commission consists of the chair, known as the Internal Auditor, the vice-chair and three members all of whom are elected by correspondence under article 25e. The Commission elects a secretary from its members. Members of the Commission shall hold no other function in ICA.
2. The Audit Commission shall be responsible for the evaluation of the performance of the ICA programmes and of its external and internal communications.
The Audit Commission reports to the Executive Board
and to the Annual General Meeting.
The Internal Auditor may have access to any document
produced by ICA and may participate or be represented at the meeting of any ICA
The Audit Commission shall have access to the budget
necessary to carry out its mission.
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Article 43
No change
No change
3 The Management Commission may establish professional committees and set their
terms of reference. 3>4 No further change No change
b the chairs of professional committees; No change No change
Article 45
1 The Audit Commission consists of the chair, known as the Internal Auditor, and four members all of whom are elected by correspondence under article 25.3b. The Commission elects a vice-chair and a secretary from its members. Members of the Commission shall hold no other function in ICA.
No change
No change No change No change
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Article 46
The Programme Commission consists of not more than ten
members appointed by the Management Commission. The Programme Commission
nominates its chair for appointment by the Executive Board. The Secretary
General, the Deputy Secretary General(s) and the Treasurer are members ex
The Programme Commission shall be responsible for the
preparation and execution of the professional and technical programme of ICA,
for monitoring the activities of regional branches, sections and committees, in
consultation with the CITRA Bureau for the professional content of ICA
international congresses, conferences, seminars and symposia, and for advising
on grants from the Fund for International Archival Development (FIDA).
3 The Programme Commission reports to the Executive Board.
Article 47
The International Congress on Archives shall meet once
every four years at a time and place to be determined by the Annual General
The Annual General Meeting shall decide on the venue
of the Congress on the proposal of the Executive Board at least four years in
Article 48
The Executive Board and the Programme Commission shall
collaborate with the organising committee of each International Congress. The
Executive Board shall approve the Congress theme four years in advance and the
professional programme two years in advance.
The Congress host shall be a member of the CITRA
The CITRA Bureau shall prepare resolutions and
recommendations for the Annual General Meeting, in consultation with the
Programme Commission.
The CITRA Bureau may co-opt further members for the
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Article 46
1 The Programme Commission consists of the Vice-President Programme, who acts as chair, and of a number of members to be decided upon and to be appointed by the Management Commission. The Vice-President Finance, the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General(s) are members ex officio.
No change
2 The members of the Programme Commission
shall propose a roster of staggered
resignations that ensures continuity of expertise on the commission.
3 The
Secretary-General will provide the secretariat.
3>4 No further change
5 The Programme Commission shall appoint the secretaries and members of professional committees
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Article 49
The International Conference of the Round Table on
Archives (CITRA) is the annual professional meeting of the delegations to the
Annual General Meeting of ICA as mentioned in article 15.a; of the officers
mentioned in articles 15 c, d and e ; of the honorary members mentioned in
article 15.f and of observers mentioned in article 15.g. It is held in the
years between International Congresses on Archives.
The purpose of CITRA is to serve as a forum for
international debate on matters of strategic or major professional interest.
Article 50
1 The CITRA Bureau shall consist of:
a the ICA President and the vice-president to whom the preparation of the programme has been delegated;
b a Deputy Secretary General, who will serve as CITRA Secretary;
c five members elected by the Annual General Meeting from the four regions as
mentioned in article 22.1; d hosts of the CITRAs for the period concerned, who will be Vice-Presidents of CITRA; e the host of the next International Congress on Archives; and f the Secretary General and Treasurer.
The CITRA Bureau is responsible for the organisation
of the annual International Conferences of the Round Table on Archives, and
shall draw up the CITRA programme.
The CITRA Bureau shall prepare resolutions and
recommendations for the Annual General Meeting, in consultation with the
Programme Commission.
Article 51
The Executive Board shall decide on the venue of the CITRA, on the proposal of the CITRA Bureau, at least three years in advance.
Article 52
The CITRA Bureau may establish its own internal regulations, which shall be consistent with this Constitution and which shall be approved by the Executive Board.
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Article 50
No change
a the Vice-President CITRA
b the Vice-President Finance
b>c No further change
c>d six members all of whom are elected by correspondence under article 25.3a from
the four regions as mentioned in article 22.1; d>e hosts of the CITRAs for the period concerned; second part of sentence removed e>f No further change f>g the Secretary General No change
No change
ICA Annual General Meeting / Assemblйe gйnйrale
Article 53
1 Members of ICA wishing to further the aims
of ICA and to strengthen co-operation
within a particular geographical area, may group themselves into regional
branches. Regional branches must meet the following conditions:
a at least half of the members under article 4.a and 4.b with their headquarters
located within the region must belong to the regional branch; b any institution or association qualifying for membership under article 4.a and 4.b
must become a member of the ICA before joining a regional branch, which
membership shall be administered by the Secretariat; c regional branches shall be free to grant regional branch membership to members
mentioned in article 4.c and 4.d or to other institutions, associations and individuals; d members of the ICA shall be free to join a regional branch in addition to the branch
for their own geographical area, subject to the agreement of the bureau of the
additional regional branch they wish to join; e regional branches elect their president, and substitute (who will serve on the
Executive Board in case of absence), secretary general and other officers, who
together make up the bureau that is responsible for managing the Branch’s business
and programme; f members of a regional branch shall meet at least every two years.
2 Before requesting establishment as a
regional branch by the Annual General
Meeting, members shall be entitled to group themselves in a provisional
branch for no more than eight years. Provisional regional branches must observe
relevant articles of this constitution.
Article 54
Regional branches may establish their own regulations,
which must be consistent with this Constitution and which shall be approved by
the Executive Board.
A regional branch may register its legal status in the
country in which its secretariat is located.
The programme and activities of the regional branch
must be consistent with this Constitution.
Any regional branch ceasing to fulfil the aims set out
in articles 2 and 3 may be deprived of the right to use the name of ICA by the
Annual General Meeting by a simple majority vote.
Article 55
The president and officers must be working in the field of the administration or preservation of records and archives, or of archival training and education.
Article 56
The president of a regional branch shall hold office for a maximum of eight years.
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Article 57
Regional branches shall be responsible for their own
operating budget.
Regional branches shall be entitled to apply for
grants from ICA funds on condition that two thirds of those members of the
branch which are members mentioned in article 4.a and 4.b have paid the
membership fees due to the ICA in the previous calendar year.
Regional branches shall be entitled to apply for
grants from the Fund for International Archival Development (FIDA) for
professional projects or activities.
Article 58
Regional branches may be invited by the Executive
Board to take responsibility for parts of the policy and programme of ICA.
Regional branches must report to the Programme
Commission on the execution of allocated parts of the professional programme.
Regional branches may run their own publications and
communications, in which they shall hold copyright.
Regional branches may establish their own secretariat
for administrative support, responsible to the branch secretary general.
Article 59
Any regional branch that terminates its activities or
gives up the title of regional branch must communicate that decision to the
President of ICA.
The Annual General Meeting may decide to dissolve a
regional branch if it is no longer in compliance with this constitution.
Article 60
Members of ICA sharing common professional interests
or activities and wishing to further the aims of ICA and to strengthen
co-operation within their professional competence may group themselves in sections.
Members of sections shall meet at least every two
years and have the right to vote at these meetings.
Each section shall elect a bureau at the meeting of
its members held in association with the International Congress on Archives.
The bureau shall consist of a chair, up to two
vice-chairs, up to two secretaries and at least three other members, who must
be working in the field of the administration or preservation of records and
archives, or of archival training and education and who may serve no more than
two consecutive terms in the same position.
The bureau shall meet at least once a year and
whenever convened by its chair or upon the request of one-third of its members.
The membership of sections shall be administered by the
ICA Secretariat.
Before requesting establishment as a section by the
Annual General Meeting, members shall be entitled to group themselves in a
provisional section for no more than eight years. Provisional sections must
observe the relevant articles of this constitution.
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Article 61
Sections may establish their own regulations, which must be consistent with this
Constitution and which shall be approved by the Executive Board.
Article 62
Sections shall administer their own budget under the
supervision of the Treasurer.
Sections shall be entitled to apply for grants from
ICA funds on condition that two thirds of those members of the section which
are members have paid the membership fees due to the ICA in the previous
calendar year.
Sections shall be entitled to apply for grants from
the Fund for International Archival Development (FIDA) for professional
projects or activities.
Article 63
Sections shall draw up programmes of activities in
co-operation with the Programme Commission.
Sections may be invited by the Executive Board to take
responsibility for parts of the programme of ICA.
Sections must report to the Programme Commission on
the execution of allocated parts of the professional programme.
Sections may run their own publications and
Article 64
Any section that terminates its activities or gives up
the title of section must communicate that decision to the President of ICA.
The Annual General Meeting may decide to dissolve a
section if it is no longer in compliance with this constitution.
Article 62
1 Sections shall administer their own budget under the supervision of the Vice-President Finance No change
No change
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Quйbec Novembre 2007 XX COMMITTEES
Article 65
Committees are established by the Executive Board and must not exceed the terms of reference given without authorisation from the Programme Commission. A committee may be dissolved by decision of the Executive Board.
Article 66
The chair of each committee shall be appointed by the Management Commission for a specific term which may be renewed. The secretary and other members of committees shall be appointed by the Secretary General. The chairs and secretaries of committees shall be members of staff of institutions and associations under article 4.a, 4.b or 4.c or persons under article 4.d
Article 67
The chairs of committees shall, on request, have access to meetings of the Programme Commission.
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Article 65
Presidential Committees are established by the
Executive Board and must not exceed the terms of reference given without
authorisation from the Executive Board. A committee may be dissolved by
decision of the Executive Board.
The chair of each presidential committee shall be
appointed by the President for a specific term which may be renewed. The
secretary and other members of committees shall be appointed by the Executive
Board. The chairs and secretaries of committees shall be members of staff of
institutions and associations under article 4.a, 4.b or 4.c or persons under
article 4.d
The chairs of presidential committees shall, on
request, have access to meetings of the Programme Commission.
Moved with changes to 65 and 66
Moved with changes to 65 and 66
Article 66
Professional committees are established by the
Management Commission and must not exceed the terms of reference given without
authorisation from the Programme Commission. A committee may be dissolved by
decision of the Management Commission.
The chair of each professional committee shall be
appointed by the Management Commission on the proposal of the Programme
Commission for a specific term which may be renewed.
The secretary and other members of committees shall be
appointed by the Programme Commission.
The chairs and secretaries of committees shall be
members of staff of institutions and associations under article 4.a, 4.b or 4.c
or persons under article 4.d
The chairs of professional committees are ex officio
members of the Programme Commission.
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Article 68
The Fund for International Archival Development (FIDA) supports actions to further the
objectives of ICA namely :
a promoting archives;
b encouraging and supporting the development of archives in all countries;
c developing and implementing best practice and standards and other activities in
the field of records and archives management; d furthering relations between archivists of all countries and between all institutions,
involved in the field of the administration or preservation of records and archives, or
of the training and education for archives; e encouraging access to archives; and f undertaking other activities that will further the objectives of ICA.
Article 69
The Fund for International Archival Development will
seek donations from third parties provided these do not compromise the autonomy
of ICA.
The Fund for International Archival Development
receives a grant from ICA to be determined annually by the Executive Board.
The Fund for International Archival Development will
be governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Executive Board. The
Trustees shall choose their chair from among their number.
The Trustees shall present a report annually for
approval to the Executive Board with details of money raised and granted.
The Board of Trustees shall establish its own
regulations, which shall be consistent with this Constitution and which shall
be approved by the Executive Board.
Members of the Board of Trustees shall receive no
remuneration for this role.
Article 71
Regional branches and sections of ICA can apply for grants from the Fund for International Archival Development.
Article 72 Article 71
The President of ICA may be authorised by the Executive Board to appoint persons to carry out specific missions or tasks. The term of office of such a person expires on the election of a new President.
Article 73
The Management Commission may appoint project groups to carry out specific missions or tasks.
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Article 74
The working languages of ICA shall be English and
French. The working languages of the Annual General Meeting, Congress, CITRA,
Executive Board, commissions, sections and committees shall be English and
French. The official communications and correspondence of these bodies shall be
in English and/or French.
In order to encourage multilingualism, the Annual
General Meeting may adopt further working languages provided that all
additional costs are met by the members interested.
Regional branches are free to work in other languages,
but shall communicate with the ICA Secretary General in either English or
Article 75 Article 75
ICA may receive gifts, grants and subventions made by members or by any public or ICA may receive gifts, grants and subventions made by members or by any public or
private person or institution, provided these do not compromise the autonomy of the private person or institution, provided these do not compromise the autonomy of the
organisation. The Secretary General and Treasurer, in consultation with the President, will organisation. The Vice-President Finance and the Secretary General, in consultation
determine whether to accept any offer. The Secretary General shall submit to the with the President, will determine whether to accept any offer. The Secretary General
Executive Board or Annual General Meeting offers which they have been unable to shall submit to the Executive Board or Annual General Meeting offers which they have
accept unanimously. been unable to accept unanimously.
Article 76
The Secretary General is responsible for all official publications and communications of ICA, whether print or electronic.
Article 77
The Management Commission appoints the editors of ICA
publications on the proposal of the Programme Commission.
Editors shall, on request, have access to meetings of
the Executive Board, the Management Commission and the Programme Commission.
Article 78
Regional branches and sections may run their own publications and communications.
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Article 79
A report of each Executive Board meeting and Annual
General Meeting, with information on decisions taken and programme activities,
shall be made available to members.
Annual reports shall be submitted by ICA bodies to the
Executive Board. The Board will report regularly to members on the activities
of ICA bodies.
Article 80
Copyright in all papers commissioned by ICA, whether
original texts or translations into other languages, and in all publications of
ICA and its constituent bodies, except regional branches, is vested in ICA.
Permission to reproduce any copyright material, and
consent to transfer copyright to another person or organisation, may only be
given in writing by the Secretary General.
The official logo of ICA may only be used with the
written permission of the Secretary General.
Article 81
The archives of ICA will be deposited with the National Archives of France. They will be open for consultation and will remain the property of the ICA.
Article 82
This Constitution can be revised or amended only by an Annual General Meeting. Proposals for amendment may be submitted by the Executive Board, by members and by subordinate bodies of ICA. Such amendments must be submitted in writing to the Secretary General at least ninety days prior to the meeting of the Annual General Meeting at which they will be considered. The Secretary General will circulate copies of the proposals to all members of ICA at least sixty days prior to that meeting. Any amendment shall require a two-thirds majority of delegates present at the Annual General Meeting.
Article 83
In the event of the dissolution of ICA, the Executive Board shall determine the method of winding up and shall distribute the assets of ICA in conformity with the aims and objectives set out in articles 2 and 3.
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Article 84
Subject to the transitional articles described below,
this Constitution shall come into force immediately following its adoption by
the General Assembly.
In implementing the provisions of this Constitution,
the Annual General Meeting is empowered to approve by-laws, which shall remain
in force until amended or repealed by the Annual General Meeting.
Article 85
The Executive Board may, by a simple majority vote, adjudicate on any
disputes which may arise in respect of the interpretation and implementation of
this Constitution.
Article 86
Any decision by the Executive Board under article 85 may be rescinded or
modified by a majority vote of the Annual General Meeting.
XXX TRANSITIONAL ARTICLES Article 87 Removed because out of date
Removed because out of date Article 88 Removed because out of date Article 89 Removed because out of date |
Article 87
The first elections under article 25 will be conducted
by March 2005.
The President of the Nominating Committee appointed
under the previous Constitution will act as Election Officer for these first
Article 88
Until the elections described in article 25 have taken place, the host
of the 2004 International Congress on Archives will be the president of ICA.
Article 89
Members of the Executive Board elected by the General Assembly of 2000
and its subordinate bodies will remain in place until the first meeting of the
Executive Board to be elected under article 25.
Article 90 Removed because out of date Article 87 Half of the members of the
Audit Commission and the members of CITRA Bureau for Africa and Arabic
region, Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, elected under article 25 in the
2004-06 elections, will continue to serve until the elections of 2010. |
Article 90
The chair, secretary and members of the CITRA Bureau elected in 2000
will remain in place until the first meeting of the Executive Board to be
elected under article 25.